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What are we working on at the moment?

While the answer to this is often a secret (no, we are not referring to The Secret), we can say this much about our upcoming film:

a) it will be a stop motion animation (yay!)

b) it will be based on the adventures of a particular boy wizard

c) it will be short - so short in fact that it may not even go over a minute...

All will be revealed in 2013 - depending on how long the editing takes

But wait there is more! The team is now working on a short documentary project about a very specific set of musical instruments. This is due for completion in the second half of 2013.


As they say working on two things at a time ain't enough. And they are right (whoever they may be). And since team Ninja Fantail (or at least two members) are going on a world tour we shall be shooting a documentary along the way. Excited? So are we! More info soon(ish)...

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